
A weather calendar

Cover Image for A weather calendar
Morten Just

Cover Image for Uber for tech support

Uber for tech support

It's a well-established fact in the universe that there's a lot of moms out there needing help with their computer. It's also a fact that their kids are not always around the corner. But someone is. Could we fully automate tech support for moms? A mom would call our automated phone number, which would prompt her for her postal code, then send out text messages to our army of tech supporters. The first to answer the message gets the mom's phone number—and a customer. Did it work? Surprisin

Cover Image for Movie showtimes, but more like tv schedules

Movie showtimes, but more like tv schedules

We all know how to use movie showtime listings. There's a movie you want to watch, so you look up when and where it's showing. But what if you have a favorite theater? What if you want to go right now? What if you want to go in the afternoon? Bifn.dk was like a pivot table for movie showtimes. It would order today's screenings based on time, movie or theater.

Cover Image for Fake music opinions

Fake music opinions

Sometimes you just need an opinion about the indie band du jour. Wouldn't it be handy if you could enter a band name and get a hipster attitude on demand? The project used Last.fm's API to extract similar band names, and then layered an opinion on top of it. I did manage to have some weird conversations using it.

Cover Image for Bringing social networks into real life

Bringing social networks into real life

If you think about your life, your partner, your friends, your job, the place your live. How many of those happened more or less randomly, bumping into the right person at the right time and place? To me, it's almost all of it. Self-help gurus will tell you to prepare your self for luck, then you will be lucky. So how do you do that? Imagine a world where you walk into a room and instantly know who everyone is, who your common friends are, what interests you share? This world already exist